How To Start
EXTRA WiFi network allows you to do two things.
You can earn money with each one of them.
You can choose to do one of them or both of them.
Share WiFi
Share your WiFi with EXTRA WiFi network and earn money when EXTRA WiFi user gets connected.
Sell WiFi Access
Sell access to EXTRA WiFi network to people in your area and earn money from each sale.
How To Start Selling WiFi
Step 1
Open a free EXTRA WiFi account.
Step 2
Sign up to Initial Plan: $15 USD
The plan allows you to create EXTRA WiFi vouchers in low price and to sell them in any price you wish.
Step 3
Start create vouchers, sell WiFi to your clients and earn money.
The Initial plan
The plan allows you to create EXTRA WiFi vouchers in low price and to sell them in any price you wish.
On the Initial Plan you load your account with $15 USD and you will use this money later to create vouchers and sell them for a high profit.
How To Invite A Friend
Step 1
Login to your account or open a free EXTRA WiFi account.
Step 2
On the main dashboard, click the "Invite A Friend " button.
Step 3
Select the invitation type that you want to send, you can leave it on the option of "Simple invitation".
Step 4
Click the "Invite a friend" button and choose the platform you wish to use to send the invitation.
Start getting commissions
A friend who open your invitation link and open an EXTRA WiFi account, will be considered a user that you invited.
If this friend becomes an EXTRA WiFi Salesperson, as described on these steps, you can get 2 types on commissions:
Referral Commission
For each user that you invited and becames a Salesperson, you will get one time commission.
Network Commission
If you are a Salesperson by yourself, the invited friend will be considered a person who you personally invted.
It affects your qualification to earn Network Commissions and the amount that you earn.