Basic Franchise
Vende WiFi a las tarifas que quieras.
Cada vez que vendes wifi te cobramos una tarifa.
Depósito Inicial
Start Sgaring or selling WiFi by using EXTRA WiFI device and remote management system.
Connect the device to any kind of internet connection that you have and start offering WiFi services:
- Sell WiFi by vouchers
- Share WiFi by different login methods:
Instant access, Facebook profile or Personal details. - Define usage limitation by time and or data.
- Use management to control traffic and sales in realtime remotely from everywhere.
- Define unlimited number of local salesmen who will help with sale operation, selling to their clients and increase your incomes.
- Accept cash, credit and digital payments.
- Collect your revenues automatically to your account withour the need to go to the location.
- And more …
About The Plan
You can charge your clients any price you want. Every time that you sell WiFi, we charge you this fee:
Select Country
Minute | |
Hour | |
Day | |
Week | |
Month | |
Session | $0.01 usd |
In order to be able selling or sharing WiFi,
we ask you to:
- Have EXTRA WiFi device
- Open an account
- Load the account initial deposit.
The deposite will be used to pay our fees of your future sales.
El monto del depósito permanece en su cuenta de su ubicación WiFi como crédito, y puede usar este crédito para el mes siguiente.
After you used all the credit of your initial deposit, you can load the credit of the location again and to continue selling WiFi.