Create A Huge WiFi Vending Business

Without Paying For Internet

Without Investing In WiFi Vending Machines

Manage All From Home

Get Paid Directly Into Your Account

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If You Want To Have

A Successful WiFi Vending Business

It Is Not Enough To Have

Internet Connection And

WiFi Vending Machine !

Many Issues Can Prevent

From Your Business

To Run And Grow



Reduce Of Expenses

Dramatically Increase Of Incomes From Each Internet Point

Fast And Easy Grow Of Your WiFi Vending Business

Here Are

The Main Problems

That You Will Have

And How Can You

Solve It Using


Things That Will Kill Your
WiFi Vending Business


EXTRA WiFi Solutions
That Will Save You

Internet Source


At each area that you wish to offer WiFi services you need to have local internet connection, which means internet contract. It makes the business complicate and extremely expensive.

EXTRA WiFi Solution

Don't pay for the internet personally. Use and resell the internet connection of other people in the area, as local shops, stores, businesses, kiosks. Connect the EXTRA WiFi device to the local connection and start selling.

Signal Coverage


In order to create wider WiFi coverage, normally  you need to install access points and antennas, which many  times is imposible or complicate and expensive installation of poles, antennas, wall breaking and cables.

EXTRA WiFi Solution

EXTRA WiFi is very modular. If you want to extend your WiFi EXTRA coverage to another area, you just need to connect another EXTRA WiFi device to some local internet source in the area. EXTRA WiFi cloud will add this new WiFi zone to your network coverage.

Stable Connection


When your WiFi vending business is based on a single internet connection, it less stable. Once the connection is falling, all users will lose the connection and you lose money.

EXTRA WiFi Solution

With EXTRA WiFi you create a WiFi network made of unlimited number of hotspots while each hot spot has another internet source, and all spots are connected by EXTRA WiFi cloud.  This way if one spot fail, users automatically connected to another hotspot and keep on using the internet.



WiFi vending machine, requires complicate installation, as, physical wall installation, cables, and more... it cause a lost money of time.

EXTRA WiFi Solution

EXTRA WiFi installation is done in seconds.  Not wall breaking or structure changes. It can get connect to any type of internet source immediately, with or without cables.



WiFi vending machines, access points, antennas and installation, are very expensive.

EXTRA WiFi Solution

Instead of investing in expensive equipment, use low cost EXTRA WiFi device and define unlimited number of salesperson in the area, who will help you with the sell process, and you will get your share directly into your bank account.

Income Collection


The main problem when selling WiFi in multiple points of sell, is the money collection. It is very difficult or impossible to arrive to all points of sale, specially if you are trying to build national or international WiFi vending business.

EXTRA WiFi Solution

With EXTRA WiFi system you don't need to leave home. For each point of sale, you can define unlimited number of local salespersons, who will help you with the WiFi vending process. The salesperson receives the payment from the customer, and transfers you your shares. Directly to your EXTRA WiFi account. You will not have to worry if he paid or not, the system will make sure he paid you, or he will not be able to sell WiFi.



When you wish to sell WiFi in public area, as a park or a mall, you probably will need permissions to install a WiFi vending machine and will have to sign a contract. It is a long procedure that probably will kill the idea.

EXTRA WiFi Solution

With EXTRA WiFi you can start selling WiFi at any place, mall or park immediately. Just talk with the owner of some of the stores in the area, ask them to allow you  to  connect the device to their internet, and share the income with them. They  will earn extra income, advertising and clients.



When selling WiFi by WiFi vending machine, the customer must go directly to a specific single vending machine. It is very limited access. because it is limited point of sale, and limited access hours, because at nights weekends, there might not be access to pay.

EXTRA WiFi Solution

With EXTRA WiFi, you can define unlimited number of salespersons that will sell the WiFi on one single WiFi device. Which  means, all businesses and stores in the area can help you to sell the internet to their customers as well. It increases the incomes DRAMATICALLY.



In order to create big and successful WiFi business you must to be able to supervise and control each one of the points in real time, other wise, you will never know when problems pops out, and that of course means, to lose money.

EXTRA WiFi Solution

EXTRA WiFi management web app allows you to follow each one of your equipment, salesmen, customers, connectivity of all your location, using your pc, mobile, table , in real time,, from any place in the world.

Growth and Scale


It is very difficult or even impossible to expend your WiFi vending business. At each point you need internet connection, a person who will maintain and secure the vending equipment, to collect the incomes, to supervise the salespersons and many more. It is impossible task when

EXTRA WiFi Solution

At each area that you wish to offer WiFi services you need to have local internet connection. It make's the business complicate and expensive.

Investment Risk


When you would like to sell WiFi in some area, there are many things to prepare and pay,  things like: purchase vending machine, internet contract, permissions, contracts, installation ... and all that before you even know that you will be able to return the investment there. It is a huge expensive risk.

EXTRA WiFi Solution

EXTRA WiFi totaly eliminates all this investment, risk and headache. You don't need any of this preprations. You can start WiFi anywhere within few minutes.

Just connect EXTRA WiFi device to any internet connection at one of the stores in the area, define a salespersons, and start selling WiFi there.

Flexability and Mobility


If it doesn't work at one place, and you want to try another spot, even if it is just few meters from there, you have to start all over again.

EXTRA WiFi Solution

If you want to move it to somewhere else, just disconnect the device and connect it somewhere else.

Limited Income


With any WiFi vending system, for every internet connection you have, you will have  only the income from one point of sale, whether it is done by automatic machine or salesperson. In this case the incomes are very very limited to only to the client of one place or store.

EXTRA WiFi Solution

With EXTRA WiFi, all the people or stores in the area, will be able to become salespersons, and sell your WiFi to their clients as well. Also people will be able to pay online and buy access to your network. It will increase your incomes dramatically!

Limited Payment Methods


With other WiFi vending system, the customer can pay only by one way. Cash or credit card.

EXTRA WiFi Solution

With EXTRA WiFi you practically can receive any payment method. The salesperson, who sells the vouchers to the customers, will be able to choose how he wish to accept the payment from his customers. The system will assure you, the owner of the business, to get your shares by transfers to your account.

Vending Process


Normally WiFi vending systems generate incomes and sell only in one way: personal sale, automatic sale, or online sale.

EXTRA WiFi Solution

EXTRA WiFi allows you to sell by personally, or define salespersons who will sell and you will get the payment automatically, or to sell online.



Each WiFi vending machines need to secured from sabotage and robbery attempts.

EXTRA WiFi Solution

With EXTRA WiFi system you are safe. The equipment is placed in safe place, the incomes are holed personally and will be transferred digitally directly to your account.

How Does It Work

EXTRA WiFi Is Like AirBnB Of WiFi

Rent internet connection to other people in the area. It can be your personal internet connection, or it can be connection of other people that you know.

You Don't Have To Sell WiFi Personally

You can define unlimited number of  local salespersons, like store owners in the area, who will help you with the sale process, and sell your WiFi to their clients, and you will manage it all from home and get the money directly to your account.


Get EXTRA WiFi Device

Get a hotspot device that allows you to offer your internet connection to people in the area.


Connect To Internet

Connect EXTRA WiFI device to the internet connection that you would like to resell and define your prices.


Start Earn Money

Sell WiFi and earn an unlimmited daily income. Earn also lifetime commission with EXTRA WiFi compensation plan

How Much It Cost

$49.90 USD

One time payment
for EXTRA WiFi device


Usage Fee


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